City Wide Yard Sale
It's that time of year again, time for SPRING CLEANING! Haul out your garage, basement or attic and make some quick cash at the City Wide Yard Sale in Newport! When you register, the advertising for your sale is DONE. We take care of everything through web, newspaper, and social media ads. You set your own hours and location, then keep all the profits from your sale. Plus with two ways to sell, it couldn't be easier. Deadline to get on the list is May 19, 2023.
Yard Sales In Town5016 US Route 5, Newport: Saturday, 8am-4pm
Books, household items, Jewelry, Kitchenware, Outdoor/gardening, tools, toys 195 Pine Street, Newport: Friday 5/24-Sat. 5/25 8am-3pm Adult clothing, collectibles, household items, jewelry, kitchenware, video games, dog supplies, game camera 806 Coventry Street, Newport: Saturday 9am-4pm Antiques, collectibles, household items, furniture, kitchenware, outdoor/gardening, tools 420 w main street, Newport: Sunday, 5/26 7am-12pm Baby items, books, clothing, household items, toys 140 Wild Flower Way, Newport: Sat 5/25- Sun 5/26 9am-4pm Household items, furniture, kitchenware, music/ dvds, exercise equipment, misc. 107 Meadowbrook Dr, Newport: Fri. - Sun. 5/24-5/26 9am-3pm MULTI-FAMILY SALE Clothing, collectibles, household items, electronics, furniture, jewelry, kitchenware, outdoor/ gardening, sports/exercise, tools, toys, sporting goods, free stuff 180 Bluff Rd, Newport: Sat.5/25 9am-2pm Books, household items, kitchenware, toys, lightly used shoes to donate 51 Colburn Street, Newport: Sat. 5/25 8:30am-2:30pm Books, adult clothing, household items, furniture kitchenware, music/dvd/cds 79 Indian Point Street, Newport: Sat. 5/25 8am-2pm Appliances, books, adult clothing, household items, electronics, kitchenware, outdoor/gardening 398 Sias Ave, Newport: Sat. 5/25 10am-2pm Appliances, clothing, household items, electronics, furniture, jewelry, kitchenware, s sports/exercise 38 3rd Street, Newport: Sat.-Sun. 9am-1pm Baby items, books, adult clothing, children's clothing, household items, sport/exercise/toys 52 Blanchard Ave: Sat. 9am-3pm Antiques, baby items, books, children's clothing, household items, electronics, furniture, kitchenware, outdoor/gardening, sport/exercise, toys 371 Memphremagog View: Saturday 9am-5pm/ Sunday 9am-1pm Baby items, books, children's clothing, household items, electronics, furniture, music/dvd, toys 843 Pleasant Street, Newport: Sat.-Sun. 7am-3pm Appliances, adult clothing, household items, jewelry, kitchenware, tools 91 Jackson Street, Newport: Books, teen clothing, household items, electronics, tools 701 Bluff Road, Newport: Sat. 8am-2pm Antiques, books, adult clothing, collectibles, jewelry, kitchenware, music/dvds, tools odds and ends 54 Colfax Street, Newport: Sat.-Sun. 8am-4pm Books, adult clothing, household items, outdoor/gardening 316 Main Street Carriage House, wireless mesh benefit: Sat. 8am-3pm Household Items, kitchenware, small appliances, christmas items, craft items, art Newport Center Junction of Rte. 14 and Rte. 100: Friday-Monday 8am-5pm Multi Family Household Items, large Wilton pans, buffet server, electronics, dvds, exercise/ collectibles, Travel bags, baby items, toys, adult clothing, car items, tools, pet items, and MORE 38 Gage Rd. Newport Center: Friday-Saturday 12-4pm/ Sunday 9am-4pm ![]() Bargains GALORE! Come shop.
Kick the yard-saling season off right with the biggest sale of the year! As many as 45 yard sale locations within town limits including a colossal, multi-family sale in the Newport Municipal Gym! The FREE Yard Sale list will guide you to each site. See a listing of items, hours of operation, and special interest items listed at your fingertips. Grab a partner and spend the day venturing around town in hunt of spring time treasures! ![]() HOST A SALE AT YOUR HOME
Register your yard or garage sale with us on Memorial weekend and watch your foot traffic TRIPLE! Our City Wide Yard Sale directory is a highly sought after treasure map for local pickers and families hunting for a deal. Your $10 donation includes a listing on the directory, advertising, AND custom City Wide Yard Sale sign to post near your home! Registration deadline is May 19, 2023. Tips to make the most of your yard sale! ![]() HOST YOUR SALE IN THE MUNICIPAL GYM
Don't have the ideal yard sale location in town? No problem! Come set up your sale in the Newport Municipal Building for as little as $15 per space and see hundreds of yard sale shoppers throughout the weekend! The gym is "home base" for the event and is usually one of the first stops folks. That's why this spot sees hundreds of customers throughout the weekend, more traffic than most other home locations! With bathrooms, dry shelter, tents and tables can be set-up outdoors in the parking lot if preferred. |
Age: All Ages
Date: May 24-25, 2025 Time: Varies in town/ 9am-2pm at the gym Location: Newport Municipal Gym & throughout Newport |